OREANDA-NEWS  The share of buyers-investors in real estate in the mortgage market has halved. They came to the conclusion that the Russians had cooled down to buying housing for investment.The Russian Federation and VTSIOM based on the results of a joint study "Portrait of a mortgage borrower" in 2023, writes Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

According to experts, the share of buyer-investors last year amounted to only about two percent of all mortgage transactions. At the same time, within the framework of the family mortgage program, the same indicator turned out to be at the level of nine percent, for preferential mortgages — three percent, for market mortgages — only one percent.

Meanwhile, in previous years, since 2017, investors usually accounted for five percent of mortgages (with the exception of 2019, when it was only two percent). However, in 2022, this figure fell to four percent, and in 2023 — to two.

According to the results of the past year, the majority of borrowers (72 percent) bought housing for their own living or additional housing for themselves, children in the future or relatives (26 percent). Experts noted that the share of apartments bought for traveling with relatives has tripled over the year — from 9 to 26 percent.

Earlier it became known that Russians have sharply cooled down to mortgages.