OREANDA-NEWS  Rosaviation is ready to consider requests from airlines from Malaysia to operate flights between Russia and this country, said Sergey Vasiliev, Deputy head of the Department for Transportation Regulation and International Cooperation at the Russia- Islamic World forum.

In August, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation reported that several Russian airlines are ready to consider the possibility of launching new charter flights from Russian cities to Southeast Asian countries. And earlier at the forum, Vasiliev himself said that two airlines from Russia are ready to start flights to Malaysia under a number of conditions.

"For our part, on behalf of the Federal Air Transport Agency, we are ready to consider requests from Malaysian airlines to operate flights between our countries," Vasiliev said, speaking at a meeting of the working group on tourism of the Commission on Economic, Scientific, Technical and cultural cooperation between the two countries.

At the same time, Vasiliev noted that there is an obstacle in the form of an outdated contractual legal framework between the countries, and therefore it makes sense for the aviation authorities to discuss its further development for flights.

The International Economic Forum of Russia and the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation "Russia – the Islamic World: KazanForum" is taking place in Kazan on May 14-19.