State: articles for 23.06.2017

23.06.2017, 16:57
Of the quarter of a billion people who used drugs in 2015, about 29.5 million – or 0.6 per cent of the global adult population – were engaged in “problematic use” and suffered from drug use disorders
23.06.2017, 16:17
On June 21-22, 2017 the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Hungary, Peter Szijjarto, visits Belarus.
23.06.2017, 16:14
Minister for Defence Peter Hultqvist received on June 22 in Stockholm his Norwegian colleague, Minister of Defence Ine Eriksen Søreide. The visit is a continuation to the strengthened bilateral ties in the light of new security policy challenges both countries are facing.
23.06.2017, 12:30
The focus of Brexit negotiations must now be on securing a transitional arrangement with the EU, First Minister Carwyn Jones, has said one year on from the EU referendum.

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