State: articles for 26.03.2020

26.03.2020, 20:11

About 20 % of Ukrainian workers have already gone home and will not return until the borders are opened.

26.03.2020, 19:42

“Suspension is a temporary measure that China is forced to take,” the Foreign Ministry’s message explains.

26.03.2020, 19:29

Earlier, Aleksey Pushkov stated that the Polish authorities had closed airspace for Russian military aircraft with humanitarian aid for Italy.

26.03.2020, 18:42

Washington announced a reward of up to 15 million dollars for information leading to the arrest or conviction of Venezuelan President.

26.03.2020, 17:54

This was reported by the Department of the Treasury.

26.03.2020, 17:42

For the week ended March 21, the number of initial applications for unemployment was 3,283,000, the message of the US Department of Labor reads.

26.03.2020, 17:06

“G20 members must… send a powerful signal to boost the morale of the global economy,” Chinese leader said.

26.03.2020, 16:49

“There is nothing shameful here: when it touches upon people’s lives, this must be done,” Vadim Rabinovich said.

26.03.2020, 16:11

This was reported by Reuters agency referring to traders.

26.03.2020, 15:55

Russian President stated it in the meeting with representatives of the business community.

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