State: articles for 06.08.2020

06.08.2020, 18:04

“The Council would make an absolute mockery of that mission if it allowed the number-one state sponsor of terrorism to buy and sell weapons freely,” the US Secretary of State said.

06.08.2020, 17:31

Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya said that after running for president, she received threats related to her two children.

06.08.2020, 16:22

Volodymyr Zelensky expressed the hope that the truce will be respected.

06.08.2020, 15:36

Those who are diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 will be required to undergo a 14-day quarantine, and those who violate these requirements face a fine of up to 10 thousand dollars.

06.08.2020, 14:46

The reasons for the detention have not yet been specified.

06.08.2020, 14:01

If the company does not fulfill the conditions within 7 days from the date of the attack, all information will be published on the Internet, hackers claim.

06.08.2020, 12:02

The American leader said that children are “virtually immune” to infection.

06.08.2020, 11:46

33 Russians were arrested in Belarus on July 29. The republic’s authorities claim that they are the fighters of the paramilitary Wagner Group.

06.08.2020, 11:33

The agency explained that new infected are mainly registered in large cities, and not in resorts.

06.08.2020, 10:41
The Embassy in Tokyo considers the statements of the Japanese side to be unacceptable.

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