State: articles for 17.09.2020

17.09.2020, 16:25

“The Russian side emphasized the inadmissibility of any interference in internal political processes, attempts to destabilize and impose unilateral mediation services from the outside,” the message says.

17.09.2020, 16:06

“Political assassinations and poisonings in Russia are a systemic weapon of the regime deliberately targeting the opposition,” the portal Euronews quotes the resolution.

17.09.2020, 15:16

In August, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that all parties to the Normandy Four agreed to hold a meeting.

17.09.2020, 15:01

This was reported by Sergey Erofeev, professor at Rutgers University (New Jersey, USA), on his Facebook page.

17.09.2020, 14:37

Warsaw intends to present the “Marshall Plan” for Belarus at the next summit of the European Union.

17.09.2020, 13:32

This was reported by the National Defense Management Center of the Russian Federation.

17.09.2020, 13:13

US State Secretary also thanked Vilnius for its commitment to NATO, its contribution to international security efforts in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Strait of Hormuz.

17.09.2020, 12:57

Physicians have identified over 97.8 new patients over the past day.

17.09.2020, 11:05

This was reported by former presidential candidate Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya.

17.09.2020, 10:15

According to the US President, wide distribution of the coronavirus vaccine among the American population will begin in October.

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