State: articles for 07.04.2023

07.04.2023, 21:20
The mutual trade turnover between Belarus and Russia by the end of 2022 exceeded $45 billion, Belarusian Economy Minister Alexander Chervyakov said.
07.04.2023, 21:15
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will lead the Russian delegation to the fourth ministerial conference of Afghanistan's neighboring countries, which will be held on April 13 in Samarkand.
07.04.2023, 20:34
Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed to organize the "Science 0+" festival in friendly states, primarily at the location of Moscow State University branche
07.04.2023, 19:15
Rosstat confirmed a 2.1% decline in the Russian economy in 2022; in the fourth quarter of last year, the decline in GDP slowed to 2.7% in annual terms after a 3.5% decline in the third, according to Rosstat data.
07.04.2023, 19:00
The Ministry of Transport is working to create a single portal of transport services "Russian Transport", which will unite all public and private companies
07.04.2023, 18:53
Mortality from cardiovascular diseases has decreased in Russia by 10%, said the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko.
07.04.2023, 18:36
The execution of federal budget expenditures on national projects on April 1 amounted to 600.6 billion rubles, according to the Telegram channel of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.
07.04.2023, 12:07
Container transportation on the railway network in the first quarter of this year increased by 5% compared to the same period last year and amounted to 1.7 million TEU (20-foot equivalent).
07.04.2023, 12:00
Mortgages under preferential state support programs took up more than 50% of the volume of issuance of all housing loans in the Russian Federation by the end of February 2023.
07.04.2023, 11:57
Anti-satellite complexes based on the MiG-31D fighter and an aircraft with a combat laser based on the Il-76 will be created in Russia. This is reported by the publication "Military Thought".

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