State: articles for 21.03.2024

21.03.2024, 11:27
Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree on increasing monthly social benefits for doctors working in rural areas, regional centers and small towns from March 1, according to the Cabinet's website.
21.03.2024, 11:23
Turkish Airlines explained the frequent withdrawal of Russian tourists from their flights to South America. The reply letter to the Russian Consulate General in Istanbul lists the reasons for the non-admission to flights.
21.03.2024, 11:16
A movie will be made based on the popular life simulator game The Sims. This is reported by The Hollywood Reporter.
21.03.2024, 11:14
An international team of scientists from Russia, Germany and the USA has discovered DNA of ancient extinct megafauna, including mammoths and woolly rhinoceros
21.03.2024, 09:25
Investigators in Kamchatka have opened a criminal case against the businessman who organized the hike and the 32-year-old head of the tourist group
21.03.2024, 09:05
An IL-76 plane with humanitarian aid weighing a total of 29 tons flew to the airport of the Egyptian city of El Arish, after which it will be transferred by representatives of the Egyptian Red Crescent Society to the Gaza Strip
21.03.2024, 08:47
In February 2024, the trade turnover between Russia and Japan collapsed. This is reported by TASS with reference to data from the Ministry of Finance of Japan.
21.03.2024, 08:47
The Abakan garrison military Court sentenced Achita Sagan, a serviceman, to five years in prison for evading service. 

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