IT, Media: articles for 08.06.2021

08.06.2021, 14:40

Scientists have figured out how salamanders grow limbs and organs

08.06.2021, 13:48
Problems with the work of more than ten social networks and sites of major international media were recorded on June 8.
08.06.2021, 13:24
The “Lakers” leaders LeBron James and Anthony Davis will not play for the US team at the Tokyo Olympics.
08.06.2021, 12:42

Switzerland became the 36th country which adopted the IHRA definition of antisemitism in its state.

08.06.2021, 12:26

The Russian ice skaters Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov, performing in pair, will begin preparations for the new season after June 12.

08.06.2021, 12:10

The number of recorded cases of coronavirus infection COVID-19 has reached 400,422 in Belarus.

08.06.2021, 11:21

At least in the case of those with a predisposition to glaucoma

08.06.2021, 10:45

Russian scientists have determined the cause of the death of seals in the Caspian.

08.06.2021, 10:20

Ontario, Canada: A 20-year-old pickup truck driver deliberately ran over the Pakistani family waiting at a crosswalk and has killed 4 people.

08.06.2021, 09:53
Facebook has announced that it does not intend to take its share of creators’ paid content  until 2023. Thus, the social network intends to attract the most influential authors of Internet sites to use their services.

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