Culture and leisure: articles for 18.07.2019

18.07.2019, 19:28
Leading Russian technology companies will take part in the development of public digital educational platform, which is planned to be implemented within 2019-2020.
18.07.2019, 19:15
The operator of satellite television "Tricolor TV" has created in its structure a unit that will record the series.
18.07.2019, 18:59
The walls of the museum "decorated" pictures of genres: portraits, still lifes, landscapes, painted in expressionism, realism, symbolism. 
18.07.2019, 13:46

The picture has long been discussed on the web. Judging by the reviews, viewers are waiting for her with impatience.

18.07.2019, 10:35
The Russian application FaceApp, which with the help of the filter “old” ages the people in the photos, was considered a threat to US national security. This was stated by the leader of the Democrats of the American Senate, Chuck Schumer.
18.07.2019, 08:52
The conductor of the Moscow New Opera theater, Jan Latham-König, announced in London about the creation of the first Russian-British orchestra in history. He was named after the composers Benjamin Britten and Dmitry Shostakovich, TASS reports it.

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