Culture and leisure

25.05.2023, 07:44
A concert in honor of Russian-Korean friendship, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of composer Sergei Rachmaninov, took place on Wednesday at the Russian Embassy in Seoul.
19.05.2023, 19:05
Islam in Russia is undergoing a renaissance, harmoniously coexisting with other religions, Russian Muslims shoulder to shoulder with other Russians have defended and continue to defend the country's security
19.05.2023, 07:32
Today, on May 19, the XVII International Media Forum of Young Journalists "Dialogue of Cultures" opens in St. Petersburg
18.05.2023, 20:10
A museum will open in the building of the Gorky Film Studio in Moscow, the exposition of which will be devoted to the history of cinema
17.05.2023, 10:08
Director and screenwriter Ivan Vyrypaev is wanted in Russia. This is reported by TASS with reference to the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
16.05.2023, 20:30
YouTube video hosting blocked the Komsomolskaya Pravda radio channel on Tuesday, although the publication did not violate the rules of the platform, KP radio reported.
15.05.2023, 08:25
Partially filmed in space, the film "The Challenge" directed by Klim Shipenko has again become the leader of rental in Russia and CIS countries.
11.05.2023, 22:07
First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Sergey Kiriyenko proposed to hold a World Youth Festival at the Sirius Sochi Center from February 29 to March 7, 2024.
09.05.2023, 21:32
A festive concert on the occasion of Victory Day was held in the city of Ivangorod on the border of Russia and Estonia. As Alexander Drozdenko, the governor of the Leningrad Region
09.05.2023, 21:07
A squad of rescuers of the Russian Emergencies Ministry and climbers from Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics raised the Victory Banner on Elbrus on the 78th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War
04.05.2023, 08:51
The box office of the film "The Challenge" reached 1 billion rubles in Russia.
03.05.2023, 09:28
Singer and blogger Daria Zoteeva, the so-called Instasamka, was previously checked by the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor's Office
03.05.2023, 08:09
The number of trips of foreign citizens to Russia in the first three months of this year increased by 17.6% compared to the same period in 2022, this is stated in the published statistics of the FSB border service.
02.05.2023, 15:42
Soviet and Russian fashion designer and designer Valentin Yudashkin has died at the age of 59. This was reported to Channel One by his wife Marina Yudashkina on Tuesday, May 2.
27.04.2023, 08:24
In 2022, despite the suspension of monetization in Russia, the profit of the Russian TikTok (TikTok Rus LLC) it grew 9.8 times compared to a year earlier and amounted to 530.3 million rubles.


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