Transport: articles for 08.08.2019

08.08.2019, 19:27
In Krasnodar the morning of 8 August 2019 issued on the first tram, made specially for the Kuban capital. The new car came to a route No. 5 "March 8 — St. Solar".
08.08.2019, 16:46
UAZ received OTTS permission for a new car that will be able to eliminate small fires.
08.08.2019, 16:37
The National Interest has published a list of the most powerful ships in the world.  In the first place was the Soviet nuclear-powered cruiser Peter the Great.
08.08.2019, 14:17

Georgia has lost third place in the top 10 most popular destinations for independent tourists due to the rise in price of air travel from Russia, according to data.

08.08.2019, 11:43
According to Xinhua, this route will help reduce transportation costs for companies seeking to develop the Russian market
08.08.2019, 10:27

A message bottle dated June 20, 1969 was discovered in Alaska. The photo of the find is published on Facebook.

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