World: articles for 07.12.2016

07.12.2016, 16:59
Szabolcs Takács, State Secretary for EU Affairs at the Prime Minister’s Office had consultations in Valletta on Tuesday regarding the priorities of Malta which will assume the Presidency of the European Union next January.
07.12.2016, 16:25
All 6 Gulf countries have committed to sign up to the WePROTECT Global Alliance to take action to end the online sexual exploitation of children.
07.12.2016, 16:24

A new partnership has been formed between the Universities of Oxford and Birmingham to speed up the development of novel treatments for arthritis, supported by a £7 million investment from the Kennedy Trust for Rheumatology Research.

07.12.2016, 15:59
The leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the UK and the United States gave a joint statement on the situation in Aleppo.
07.12.2016, 11:43
Prime Minister Boyko Borissov talked to the US Ambassador to Sofia Eric Rubin.

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