World: articles for 26.01.2017

26.01.2017, 14:54
Two City traders have been convicted of conspiring to defraud a Russian bank of more than £141million in a series of complex frauds.
26.01.2017, 14:24
Following a decision by Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Kai Mykkänen, Finland granted an additional EUR 14 million for humanitarian crisis areas across the world in late December 2016.
26.01.2017, 14:04
Estonia's new Minister of Foreign Affairs Sven Mikser will visit Finland and meet Foreign Minister Timo Soini in Helsinki on 31 January.
26.01.2017, 13:45
In the midst of an extremely important time for the EU, Germany's Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel will visit Stockholm on 31 January for a meeting with Prime Minister Stefan Löfven. 
26.01.2017, 12:14
Estonia’s new president, Kersti Kaljulaid, visited Sweden today. In the morning she met Prime Minister Stefan Löfven.
26.01.2017, 10:26
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko has sent a letter of birthday greetings to People’s Artist of Belarus Svetlana Okruzhnaya.

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