World: articles for 18.07.2019

18.07.2019, 21:28
French President Emmanuel Macron will arrive in Moscow on May 9, 2020 for the anniversary of Victory. 
18.07.2019, 17:56
The Prime Minister of Saxony, Michael Krechmer, said that anti-Russian sanctions should be lifted. 
18.07.2019, 16:42

Moscow ranked third in the world in the number of dollar billionaires living in it. This is stated in the rating published by Savills based on Forbes magazine.

18.07.2019, 15:25

The head of the Federal Chancellor of Germany Helge Brown commented on the possibility of the resignation of Angela Merkel because of her health. According to her, the politician feels well and is not going to quit before the expiration of his full term in 2021.

18.07.2019, 13:46

The picture has long been discussed on the web. Judging by the reviews, viewers are waiting for her with impatience.

18.07.2019, 13:07
Ukraine considers Russia's decision on Donbas as a hidden interference in the internal affairs of the country
18.07.2019, 10:35
The Russian application FaceApp, which with the help of the filter “old” ages the people in the photos, was considered a threat to US national security. This was stated by the leader of the Democrats of the American Senate, Chuck Schumer.
18.07.2019, 10:12

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro plans to visit Russia before the end of the year to conclude new agreements. The journalists were told about this by Jorge Arreas, the head of the foreign ministry of the Bolivarian Republic.

18.07.2019, 10:00

American researcher Peter Sarandinaki demanded to continue the search for children of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II, RIA "Novosti" reports it.

18.07.2019, 09:18

In the capital, a criminal case was opened against social security officers due to the fact that they gave the children to be educated to two gays. RIA “News” reports about it with reference to the IC of Russia.

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