World: articles for 15.10.2019

15.10.2019, 16:03
The London Court of Appeal has confirmed that Privatbank’s lawsuit against former owners of $ 2.5 billion can be considered in substance in British jurisdiction
15.10.2019, 14:15
German Chancellor recalled that, taking into account "all the fair interests of Turkey in the field of security", Berlin doesn't support this operation
15.10.2019, 13:47
London offers still not suiting Brussels
15.10.2019, 13:02
This is due to the assumptions of geologists that the height of the mountain could decrease after a powerful earthquake in Nepal in 2015
15.10.2019, 11:28
According to media reports, after the Americans leave the Syrian city of Manbij, the Russian military will occupy it
15.10.2019, 10:08
According to a statement by US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, this is done to force Turkey to cease its offensive in northeastern Syria and go on a ceasefire

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