World: articles for 20.03.2021

20.03.2021, 17:21
In Amsterdam, police used water cannons to disperse protesters against COVID restrictions. The demonstration against restrictive measures took place on the Museum Square, and more than 500 people took part in it.
20.03.2021, 16:31
The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) has announced significant reductions in the volume of US tactical nuclear weapons in Europe over the past few years.
20.03.2021, 15:09
Matt Goetz, a member of the US House of Representatives and a Florida Republican, ridiculed US President Joe Biden for his refusal to speak to Russian President Vladimir Putin live.
20.03.2021, 14:32
A powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 occurred in the northeast of Japan, the country was declared a tsunami threat. It is reported by the National Meteorological Office.
20.03.2021, 13:56
The head of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic, Leonid Pasechnik, called pro-American politicians guilty of the conflict in Donbass and the current situation in Ukraine.
20.03.2021, 13:34
The Ukrainian authorities are going to introduce economic passports in the country.
20.03.2021, 12:59
The US Migration Service began deporting illegal migrants who are trying to enter the country from Mexico, hundreds of kilometers from their place of detention.
20.03.2021, 11:40
The US and China will set up a joint working group to combat climate change. This information is reported by the official news agency of the Chinese government.
20.03.2021, 11:19
The fall and explosion of the cosmic body occurred on the evening of Friday, March 19, in the area of ​​the city of Moa in the eastern part of Cuba. This information is reported by the foreign publication Cubadebate.
20.03.2021, 11:11
The Russian government has allowed foreign students from countries with a low prevalence of coronavirus infection to return to full-time education in Russia.

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