World: articles for 17.01.2023

17.01.2023, 13:30
Branded mobile applications of automobile brands Skoda, Kia, Infiniti and Nissan have stopped working in Russia. By Chinese standards, there are no such problems.
17.01.2023, 12:50
The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection in Russia increased by 4042 per day, 45 patients died. The number of hospitalizations per day was 877
17.01.2023, 09:17
The Republic of South Africa (South Africa) has given Russia and China permission to conduct naval exercises off its coast. This is reported by Fox News.
17.01.2023, 08:56
China has not asked Russia for help in the fight against COVID-19, but Rospotrebnadzor specialists are in constant contact with colleagues from China, the press service of the department told.
17.01.2023, 07:34
There is no shell starvation in the Russian Armed Forces and there will not be, the country produces many times more large-caliber shells than some competitors, an informed source said.

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