OREANDA-NEWS  Relations between Russia and China have become a model for relations between major powers, according to Chinese President Xi Jinping. His comments were reported by RIA Novosti.

He emphasized that Russian-Chinese relations have strengthened under difficult circumstances and have stood the test of the volatile international environment. Relations between the two nations are characterized by respect, trust, friendship, and mutual benefit, said Xi Jinping. The Chinese leader noted that he has met with Russian President Vladimir Putin on at least 40 occasions.

Xi Jinping concluded that the long-term development of relations between their countries benefits the entire world.

On May 16th, Putin arrived in Beijing for talks at the National Assembly House. An official welcome ceremony was held prior to their start. Xi Jinping greeted Putin in the plaza. Together, they greeted the delegations from both countries, after which they heard the national anthems of Russia and China played by a military band.